August 29, 2014

[I hate titling posts because 99.9% of the time idk what i'm about to write and I don't want to title it because it seems pretentious, especially since no one reads this anyways...]

Omg pumpkin spice at Starbucks.*
Mini churros at Jack in the Box.*
Breakfast burritos.*
Micheladas (bloody mary with beer instead of vodka, essentially).*

*This is why I'm fat.

After a full official week of fall semester 2014 (no regretzz), I can say I'm not in over my head, but my nose is the only body part sticking out of the water. EIGHTEEN BOOKS. Why me?! I guess this is what I get for being an English major. I mean, I'll be honest, this first novel that I have to have done in a week is amazing. I love it. (Wind from an Enemy Sky by D'arcy McNickle) but I have six more for that class alone. Please, pray for me.

Lots of inner turmoil this week about my future. I'm constantly thinking about what's to come instead of thinking about the now. It's a problem that I just haven't figured out how to solve yet. But anyways, I think I'll probably go ahead with the credential program after I finish with my bachelor's in English in the Spring. I just have to take two extra classes (which I totally have room for next semester) and pass the CSET and CBEST. What a blast, right? I just think I could rock a classroom. I love kids, and I love sharing information. It's either that, a great job at the zoo (if one opens up and they want to move me up), or cosmetology school. I know, I'm everywhere.

Enough of that. I need to get back to my mini churros and Native American novel.
Goodnight interwebz.

August 27, 2014

I seriously am ridiculous when it comes down to deciding which site to host a blog, how I want it to look, etc. But here it is, the new look. Hopefully this sticks!