1. Helicopter(ish) Parents
They have to know what you're doing, when you're doing it, and who you're doing it with. All the time. Or else they guilt trip you about how you're never home and you've missed so many good times. Ugh.
2. Guilt Trips
Ties in with number one; when you're not home enough, they'll refer to you as their "long-lost child" and other stupid names. And when you're home too much? They ask why you haven't gone out and done anything. THERE IS NO WINNING HERE.
3. Favors
Can you pick up something from the store? Can you run to town and pick up younger sibling who hasn't gotten their license yet? Can you blah blah blah... you get the picture. I know, I sound spoiled and ungrateful, but it's not my favorite thing in the world to run around taking care of other peoples' errands.
4. Full House
You're never guaranteed alone time, ever. Unless a miracle occurs and everyone else is out of town for the weekend, but that's about as likely as a unicorn galloping down the street.
5. Locks
I STILL TO THIS DAY DO NOT HAVE A DAMN LOCK ON MY DOOR. That pretty much explains it, right there.
6. It's Just Plain Pathetic
Honestly, living at home when you're 23 just makes you kind of feel like a loser and wonder why it's taken you six years to graduate from college, let alone an extra year to get a credential and hopefully move out. A little piece of you dies inside every time a relative or family friend asks what you're doing and your parents butt in by telling them you're still in school and living at home, with a big fat smile on their face like it's the greatest thing in the world when really they probably wish you'd have moved out by now.
I hope this didn't depress you. There's nothing wrong with living at home with your parents, I just personally hate it about 65% of the time.
Rant over.