September 6, 2014

Today marks the start of something new in my life, and I'm really excited about it. This morning I drove to a local shelter that makes it their sole responsibility to take care of, and hopefully find homes for, pit bulls. I can't tell you why I love pit bulls, because I don't really know how to explain it other than I think they're just about the cutest dogs ever. I've been wanting to volunteer with this shelter for quite some time now, but whenever they have an orientation, I'm working. So finally, I had a free Saturday morning and could make it out there to get the proper information in order to volunteer when I have free time, by either walking dogs, or pretty much anything they need help with.

I'm just too too stoked for this opportunity. What they're doing is just fantastic, and now I get to be a part of it. Eek! And, in a few weeks, I'll have a little one of my very own!! I just loves dogs, puppies, slobber, licks, etc. I can't wait!

For more information, check out . There you can see the dogs available for adoption, and they provide lots of information on the "breed".

The woman who ran the orientation today mentioned that the animal shelter in my county is a "shithole", and that's something I really wish I could change. I just don't really know how. Some food for thought.
