October 2, 2014

New Member of the Family

Okay. I'm horrible at maintaining any kind of uniformity for these posts. I just keep forgetting to write, which sucks! Because really this is for me more than it is for anyone else. Practice helps you improve, and my writing skills can always use more improvement. 

Anyways. Let's get to what this post is really all about. My new puppy, Ruby.
Goodness gracious she is the love of my life.


Isn't she just the cutest thing? She's almost four months old, and she's a brindle Pit Bull. 
This dog has completely stolen my heart. She snuggles with me, follows me around, and I just love her more than anything.

It's almost a problem. I cry when I leave her. Someone help.

September 25, 2014

Work Hard // Play Hard

(Pictured here is my favorite giraffe in the world, Jabari. I call him Bubba, and sometimes he'll do a special trick for me.)

Okay so, something you probably don't know because I've yet to share it with you is that I work at a zoo. I know, I know, that's a super cool job that you don't really come across a lot of people actually having. I mean, I only work in the department that takes your money, meaning I'm the one selling tickets, memberships, admission into a couple specific exhibits (e.g., feeding giraffes), and other things. But it's a blast. I love working at our local zoo. Every day is different, and because our zoo isn't huge, we're a fairly close community. I know a lot of our zookeepers, and they give me opportunities to do cool things behind the scenes. So yeah, I work at a zoo. And it's fantastic.


I was really wanting a second job, just because once school is back in session, the fall and winter tend to be fairly slow at the zoo, and too much time on my hands is a bad thing. I'm a procrastinator, and with extra time, I find projects, become a gamer, obsessively clean my room, knit, etc. Too much time is no bueno. So, I was looking around on Craigslist, another one of my procrastination stations (see what I did there, with the rhyming?), and I happened upon a listing for a local tactical/realistic laser tag business. So, I emailed them, not really expecting much because Craigslist usually isn't very promising. Within a day or two they emailed me back, asking me to come in and fill out an application. A couple of days later I interviewed, and within the same day they asked me to join their team.
So, long story even longer, last night was my first night. And it was a blast! I had a wonderful experience, and I get lots of time to train until I feel comfortable working on my own. I'm working as a cashier there as well, so I just sign people up for the next game and answer any questions. This is such a fun business, and I'm thankful I get to be a part of it. I go back tonight, and then tomorrow night I'm training but I also get to play. Eek! I'm going to hardcore suck, but, what can I say? Not a lot of people get to have as much fun while they get paid. 

The End.

September 24, 2014

Hi Hi Hi

Okay it's been a while, and I just wanted to apologize to my blog. Publicly.
I'm sorry. I promise I still love you.

Because I can't think of anything interesting to talk to you about, I'm just going to mention two apps that I just recently discovered and am now obsessed with. I'm not sure if they're available for anything other than iPhones so, yeah. 

1. Swiftkey
This is a new addition to the App Store with the iOS 8 update. It's a keyboard attachment that includes the ability to swipe across the keyboard to type, instead of typing individual letters. I love it. It's fun, and definitely a struggle sometimes, but I'm getting the hang of it slowly but surely. And it's FREE. Can't complain about that.

2. GIF Keyboard by Riffsy
Okay. This was a game-changer. I'm officially obsessed and have already bombarded my friends with iPhones with tons of gifs. It's another keyboard attachment, and once you've downloaded it and have added it to your keyboards, you have access to a treasure trove of gifs separated by categories, popularity, and they even include a search bar so you can try to find specific gifs. I've already wasted a good couple of hours with this one. And it's also FREE. Don't you just love free things? I do.

Alright. That's it for now. Hopefully you'll find as much fun with these as I did.

*I totally posted this on my own. I promise no one paid me for it.
I'm not that cool... yet ;)

September 16, 2014

Day One

Today marks the first day of the rest of my life. It's time for a change, and a big one.
Recently I've noticed that I've been down in the dumps, mentally, physically, spiritually, etc.
It may not exactly seem like that, but a lot of it isn't necessarily visible, except the physical.
Saturday morning I was in a terrible mood, and on my way to work I realized that something had to be done or I would keep spiraling, until things got even worse.
So here I am.

Day One:
- woke up and prayed
- made oatmeal
- went to the gym
- listened to a sermon podcast
- ate a healthy lunch
- keeping myself accountable - stay positive

To any of you who are struggling out there, or desire to see some change in your life, you go girl!
I'm taking one step at a time, and you can too.


September 15, 2014

Sunday Adventure

Yesterday, the boyfriend and I ventured out to the small town of Traver, CA. It was about 30 minutes away from us, and so we hopped in the truck and made our way. Right off the freeway is a little place called Bravo Farms. They had mini horses, an alpaca named Festus, goats, chickens, antique signs galore, and a large store filled with all kinds of treasures.

We spent some time walking around, climbing into a treehouse included, and then we got into the store and the goal was to find a specific kind of olives that the boyfriend was on the hunt for.

Unfortunately, he didn't find the olives he was looking for. BUT, they had rock candy.
Yes, I am a child. Thank you for asking.

We also mobbed over to Rasputin's and Spenser's, found a couple of posters that worked very well with the new blacklight (yes, we have stars all over the walls and ceiling too), and picked up a movie from Redbox.

I love love love days like these. They leave me happily renewed for the coming week.

September 10, 2014


You guys. Like, this might just be one of the best days ever. And why is that, you might ask?
I dragged myself out of the house today for exactly two reasons:
1. To see if any of the local grocery stores had pumpkin coffee creamers (fail)
2. To fill out an application for a (maybe) new job

When I made it to the section of Save Mart with all of the coffee creamers, what I found there quite possibly may have changed my life. Not only did I find white chocolate raspberry creamer (too good for words, really), BUT I found Starbucks cold-brewed coffee. A healthy sized container of unsweetened, liquid gold. I'm probably too excited about this but, whatever. I love coffee (in a way that will never make me a coffee snob because I'm totally in love with Starbucks and don't need to search for underground coffee shops that specialize in overpriced coffee beans and "pour-overs"). 

Coffee is life.

September 8, 2014

Five Reasons Why Living at Home at Twenty-Three Sucks:

1. Helicopter(ish) Parents
They have to know what you're doing, when you're doing it, and who you're doing it with. All the time. Or else they guilt trip you about how you're never home and you've missed so many good times. Ugh.

2. Guilt Trips
Ties in with number one; when you're not home enough, they'll refer to you as their "long-lost child" and other stupid names. And when you're home too much? They ask why you haven't gone out and done anything. THERE IS NO WINNING HERE.

3. Favors
Can you pick up something from the store? Can you run to town and pick up younger sibling who hasn't gotten their license yet? Can you blah blah blah... you get the picture. I know, I sound spoiled and ungrateful, but it's not my favorite thing in the world to run around taking care of other peoples' errands.

4. Full House
You're never guaranteed alone time, ever. Unless a miracle occurs and everyone else is out of town for the weekend, but that's about as likely as a unicorn galloping down the street. 

5. Locks
I STILL TO THIS DAY DO NOT HAVE A DAMN LOCK ON MY DOOR. That pretty much explains it, right there. 

6. It's Just Plain Pathetic
Honestly, living at home when you're 23 just makes you kind of feel like a loser and wonder why it's taken you six years to graduate from college, let alone an extra year to get a credential and hopefully move out. A little piece of you dies inside every time a relative or family friend asks what you're doing and your parents butt in by telling them you're still in school and living at home, with a big fat smile on their face like it's the greatest thing in the world when really they probably wish you'd have moved out by now. 

I hope this didn't depress you. There's nothing wrong with living at home with your parents, I just personally hate it about 65% of the time.

Rant over.